Minggu, 06 November 2016

Biography of Umar bin Khattab

Umar Ibn Khattab

His name is Abu Hafsh, Umar al Faruq Ibn Khattab Ibn Nufail Ibn Abdil Uzza Ibn Adi Ibn Ka’ab Ibn Luay Ibn Ghalib al Qurasy. His pedigree meets the pedigree of the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- on his fourth grandfather, Ka’ab Ibn Luaiy Ibn Ghalib. He was dubbed as “al Faruq” because he was the first man to show his Islamic state in Mecca, thus Allah the Glorified and Exalted revealed it among the infidelity and wickedness there. Ibn Abbas said, “The first man who bravely exposed Islam in Mecca is Umar Ibn Khattab.”
He was born 13 years after the Elephant Year. He was a tough and brave man, white skinned, tall and stout, sturdy, and strong; sounded his talk was, hurtful his smashing was. At the pre Islamic time of ignorance, he was educated by his father, al Khattab, in a hard way. He was obliged to herd his camels every day. He got used to endure difficult and exhausting days, and got smacked if his work was bad. Those experiences helped to shape him into a harsh man.
Before embracing Islam, Umar was among the harshest man in his hostility to Islam and the messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him-.
He was among the most notorious man who tortured and annoyed muslims, thus some muslims felt desperate for him embracing Islam due to his harshness and ferociousness , hence it was said that Umar would not embrace Islam until one of the donkey of Al Khattab embraced it.
However, the crown (forelocks) of all human beings under the power and will of Allah the Glorified and Exalted, and Allah the Glorified and Exalted is omnipotent of all things. The messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- ever said to Umm Salama, “O Umm Salama, the heart of Adam’s sons is between the fingers of Allah the Glorified and Exalted. Whoever Allah wish will be guided, and whoever He wish will be misled. ” (Narrated by At Tirmidhi), in hadith no. 3522).

Read more https://whatisquran.com/349-biography-of-umar-ibn-khattab.html

Umar's Conversion to Islam

The most notable event of the year 6 of the Proclamation was the conversion to Islam of Umar bin al-Khattab, a future khalifa of the Muslims. He was one of the most rabid enemies of Islam and of Muhammad, the Messenger of God, and was a great tormentor of the Muslims. The modern Egyptian historian, Amin Dawidar, says that Umar's hatred of Islam, and his hostility to Muhammad, were matched only by the hatred of, and hostility to them, of his own maternal uncle, Abu Jahl.
It is said that one day in sheer exasperation, Umar resolved to kill Muhammad, and thus to extinguish the flame of Islam itself. He left his home with this intention.
As already noted, the Muslims at this time (the last days of the year 6) still gathered in the house of Arqam bin Abi al-Arqam to say their congregational prayers. They were beginning to assemble when one of them, looking out the window, saw Umar approaching toward the house with a drawn sword. In a state of considerable alarm, he told the other members of the congregation what he saw. Presumably, they too were alarmed.
But Hamza, who was also present in the house of Arqam, reassured them, and said that if Umar was coming with good intentions, then it was all right; but if not, then he (Hamza) would run him (Umar) through with his (Umar's) own sword. But it so happened that Umar had come with the intention of accepting Islam, and he did.
The story is told that Umar was going toward Dar-ul-Arqam with the intention of killing Muhammad when a passer-by stopped him, and informed him that his own sister and her husband had become Muslims, and advised him to put his own house in order before undertaking any other grandiose and chimerical project.
Muhammad Husayn Haykal
Umar went there (to Dar-ul-Arqam) resolved to kill Muhammad and thus relieve the Quraysh of its burden, restore its ravaged unity, and re-establish respect for the gods that Muhammad had castigated.
On the road to Makkah he was met by Nu'aym ibn Abdullah. Upon learning what Umar was about, Nu'aym said, “By God, you have deceived yourself, O Umar! Do you think that Banu Abd Manaf would let you run around alive once you had killed their son Muhammad? Why don't you return to your own house and at least set it straight?”(The Life of Muhammad)
Umar was furious to hear that his sister and her husband had become Muslims. He immediately changed his direction from Arqam's house to her house to investigate the allegation. In reply to his questions, she gave a discreet but evasive answer.
Ibn Ishaq
Umar came to the door (of the house of his sister) as Khabbab (a companion of the Prophet) was studying under her guidance the Sura Taha and also “When the Sun is Overthrown” (81:1). The polytheists used to call this reading “rubbish”.
When Umar came in, his sister saw that he meant mischief and hid the sheets from which they were reading. Khabbab slipped away into the house. Umar asked what was the gibberish he had heard, to which she answered that it was merely conversation between them...” (The Life of the Messenger of God)
Umar exploded in wrath at what he believed to be a prevarication, and struck his sister in her face. The blow caused her mouth to bleed. He was going to strike again but the sight of blood made him pause. He suddenly appeared to relent, and then in a changed tone asked her to show him what she was reading. She sensed a change in him but said: “You are an unclean idolater, and I cannot allow you to touch the Word of God.”
Umar immediately went away, washed himself, returned to his sister's home, read the text of Qur'an, and then went to the house of Arqam where he formally accepted Islam.
Sir William Muir says that Umar's conversion to Islam took place at the close of the sixth year of the Prophet's mission. He adds the following footnote:
It (Umar's conversion) occurred in Dhul Hijjah the last month of the year. The believers are said now to have amounted in all to 40 men and ten women; or by other accounts, to 45 men and eleven women. (The Life of Mohammed, 1877, p. 95)
Umar was about 35 years old when he became a Muslim.
Muhammad Husayn Haykal
At that time, (when he was converted to Islam) Umar ibn al Khattab was a mature man of thirty to thirty-five years of age. (The Life of Muhammad)
Many Muslims claim that with Umar's conversion, Islam recruited new strength, and Muslims were now emboldened to dare the pagans. They could, according to these claims, now come out of their places of hiding, and pray openly in the precincts of Kaaba, or rather, it was Umar himself who brought them out of their hiding places, and they were not now afraid of Abu Jahl or of anyone else.
Muhammad Husayn Haykal
The Muslims who returned from Abyssinia did so for two reasons. First, Umar ibn al Khattab was converted to Islam shortly after their emigration. With him, he brought to the Muslim camp the same boldness, determination, and the tribal standing with which he had been fighting the Muslims before. He never concealed his conversion nor did he ever shun the Quraysh opponents. On the contrary, he proclaimed his conversion publicly and challenged the Quraysh openly.

Article of https://www.al-islam.org/restatement-history-islam-and-muslims-sayyid-ali-ashgar-razwy/umars-conversion-islam#main-content

The virtue of Umar Ibn Khattab

One day, Umar came to the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- and said, ” O messenger of Allah, indeed, I do not leave any gathering that I used to sit in during my infidelity, but I’ve announced my Islamic state in it. I came to the gatherings of the infidels and I announced that I testify that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and Muhammad is His messenger, thus they swarmed over me and we hit each other, until when their number increased, a man came and stopped us. ” He was asked, “Who saved you from their attack?”. Umar replied, “He is al Ash Ibn Wa’il As Sahmi.” (See: Shahih Sirah an-Nabawiyyah, page no. 193)
When muslims were commanded to emigrate, some of them left Mecca furtively, feared of the tricks of the infidels of Quraish. But Umar emigrated to Medina openly with 20 men from the companions of the messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him. Among the virtues of Umar:
First: He is among the companion of the messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- who is guaranteed to enter Paradise.
Abu Huraira narrated that the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “While I was sleeping, I saw myself in Paradise, and suddenly I saw a woman performing ablution beside a palace. I asked, ‘For whom is this palace?’ They replied, ‘It is for Umar.’ Then I remembered Umar’s Gh aira (self-respect) and went away quickly. Umar wept and said, ‘O Allah’s Messenger! How dare I think of my Gh aira being offended by you?'” (Narrated by Bukhari, no.3070)
Second: The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- often praise him and pray for him.
The Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “Supposed that the prophet after me is Umar Ibn Khattab.” (Narrated by Tirmidhi, no. 3686, see: Ash Shahihah, no. 327)
He also said, “Among the nations (who lived) before you there were Muhaddathun (people who were inspired, though they were not Prophets). And if there is any of such a person amongst my followers, it is Umar.” (Narrated by Al Bukhari, no. 3486)
Third: He was a man that feared by satan
Sa’ad Ibn Abi Waqqash once said:
Umar bin Al- Kh attab asked permission of Allah’s Messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- to see him while some Quraishi women were sitting with him, talking to him and asking him for more expenses, raising their voices above the voice of Allah’s Messenger-peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- . When Umar asked for the permission to enter, the women quickly put on their veils. Allah’s Messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him -allowed him to enter and Umar came in while Allah’s Messenger – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him – was smiling, Umar said, “O Allah’s Messenger! May Allah always keep you smiling.” The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “These women who have been here, roused my wonder, for as soon as they heard your voice, they quickly put on their veils.” Umar said, “O Allah’s Messenger! You have more right to be feared by them than I.” Then Umar addressed the women saying, “O enemies of yourselves! You fear me more than you fear Allah’s Messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- ?” They replied, “Yes, for you are harsher and sterner than Allah’s Messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- Then Allah’s Messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said, “O Ibn Al- Khattab! By Him in Whose Hands my soul is! Never does Satan find you going on a way, but he takes another way other than yours.” (Narrated by Bukhari, no.3480)
Fourth: He often suited Allah’s will, Glorified and Exalted be He, in several events.
Umar was a man who often see a thing in his dream, and Allah the Glorified and Exalted revealed His verse that justify what he saw in his dream. Umar رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهُ once said, “I agreed with Allah in three things,” or said, “My Lord agreed with me (accepted my invocation) in three things.” I said, “O Allah’s Messenger! Would that you took the Maqam (place) of Ibrahim (Abraham) as a place of Salat (prayer).” I also said, “O Allah’s Messenger! Good and bad persons visit you! Would that you ordered the Mothers of the believers to cover themselves with veils.” So the Divine Verses of Al-Hijab (i.e., veiling of the women) were revealed. I came to know that the Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him – had blamed some of his wives, so, I entered upon them and said, “You should either stop (troubling the Prophet – peace and prayer of Allah be upon him – or else Allah will give His Messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him – better wives than you.” When I came to one of his wives, she said to me, “O `Umar! Does Allah’s Messenger -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- haven’t what he could advise his wives with, that you try to advise them?” Thereupon Allah revealed: “It may be if he divorced you (all) that his Lord will give him instead of you, wives better than you, — Muslims (who submit to Allah)…” (V.66:5) (Narrated by Al Bukhari no.393)
Fifth: The other virtues of Umar Ibn Khattab
One of the form of piety of a muslim is to combine between fear of Allah and wishful to Him.
Umar bin Khattab ever said, “If a caller from heaven calls, ‘O people, indeed, all of you will enter the Paradise but one man.’ indeed I fear that it is me, and if that caller calls, ‘O people, indeed, all of you will enter the Hell but one man.’ indeed I wish that it is me.” (See: Ash-Shabah: 154)
Umar also said, “Every day it is said that so and so has dead, and one day it will be said that Umar has dead.”
Indeed, Umar has spoken the truth, since every living creature is going to die and Umar believed firmly that one day he will be killed and martyred in Allah’s cause, Glorified and Exalted be He, because the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- had given him that glad tiding long before that.
One day, The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- ascended the mountain of Uhud and he was accompanied by Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman. The mountain shook beneath them. The Prophet -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- struck it with his foot and said “O Uhud! Be firm, for on you there is none but a Prophet, a Siddiq and two martyrs.” (Narrated by Bukhari: 3472)
What the Messenger of Allah -peace and prayer of Allah be upon him- said had indeed came true. Umar was killed by a Zoroastrian slave, named Abu Lu’lu’ah.
Abu Lu’lu’ah was a slave of Mughira Ibn Shu’ba. He has expertise in making weapon, and every day Mughira charged him about 4 dirhams. One day, Abu Lu’lu’ah came to Umar and said, “O Chief of the believers, indeed, my master has burdened me heavy burden, so speak to him.” But Umar said, “Be kind to your master.” Whereas Umar had intended to meet Mughira and speak to him.
Hearing his answer, the slave went furious. He mumbled, “The justice of Umar has been even to all men, but me.” He planned to kill Umar, thus he made a spear and one day at the Fajr (dawn) prayer, Umar commanded his companions, “Tighten your rows,” but before he recited takbeer, suddenly Abu Lu’lu’ah came and thrust his spear until Umar fell. After that Abu Lu’lu’ah also thrusted the companions randomly, injuring 13 companions and six of them were dead. After that Umar was brought to his house and when the sun almost rise, Abdurrahman Ibn Auf led the congregational prayer, reciting two shortest chapters.
They gave him drink of date palm juice, but the juice leaked out from his wound and they gave him milk but the milk also leaked out from his wound, until he died.” (See: Siyar A’lam an-Nubala’, 2:527)
Umar has spoken the truth, because at that day it was said that “Umar has died.” And the same thing will happen to us one day, it will be said one day, “Our father, our mother, and ourselves, have died.” O Allah, we are Your slaves who often mistaken and always perform wickedness, so please forgive us. And Allah knows best.

Pearls of Wisdom

The virtues and merits of Umar are indeed resembling the sparkling pearls to us. Among those virtues is:
– Bravery and strength will be useful if it is used to defend Islam and muslims -as Umar did- , but it will be a disaster if being used to fulfill one’s lust and oppression.
– A sincere prayer, comes out from a sincere one, will not be prevented and will ascend to the sky and open it’s gates. Thus never give up in praying to Allah the Glorified and Exalted.
– Islam can turn a harsh and hard heart – such as the heart of a savage and hungry wolf- to a soft and tame heart, that will guide it’s owner and show him the way out of a vast jungle.
– The piety of a man will help him to be fond of the Hereafter and worry of his sins, but at the same time, he will also wish for the forgiven and mercy of Allah the Glorified and Exalted

Reference: Al Furqon Magazine (Gresik, Indonesia), 5th edition, year 10, Dzulhijja, 1431 H/2010
Article of www.whatisquran.com
Read more https://whatisquran.com/349-biography-of-umar-ibn-khattab.html

Senin, 31 Oktober 2016

Biography of Umar bin Khattab

By Raihana Altof and Tazkia Mulya S
Biography Of Umar Bin Khattab
 pict from google
 His name is Umar bin Khattab bin Nafiel bin Abdul Uzza. His father's name was Khattab bin Nufayl. And his mother 
was Hantama bint Hisyam.

Umar was born in Mecca to the Banu Adi clan, which was responsible for arbitration among the tribes. His father was Khattab ibn Nufayl and his mother was Hantama bint Hisham, from the tribe of Banu Makhzum. He is said to have belonged to a middle-class family. In his youth he used to tend to his father's camels in the plains near Mecca. His merchant father was famed for his intelligence among his tribe. Umar himself said: "My father, Al-Khattab was a ruthless man. He used to make me work hard; if I didn't work he used to beat me and he used to work me to exhaustion.

Despite literacy being uncommon in pre-Islamic Arabia, Umar learned to read and write in his youth. Though not a poet himself, he developed a love for poetry and literature. According to the tradition of Quraish, while still in his teenage years, Umar learned martial arts, horse riding and wrestling. He was tall, physically powerful and a renowned wrestler. He was also a gifted orator who succeeded his father as an arbitrator among the tribes.

Umar became a merchant and made several journeys to Rome and Persia, where he is said to have met various scholars and analyzed Roman and Persian societies. As a merchant he was unsuccessful. Like others around him, Umar was fond of drinking in his pre-Islamic days. 

For more information you can go to : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Umar

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Favorite place

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb
Taman Lansia
My favorite place is Taman Lansia. It was located in Bandung. Maybe you will ask the reason why I love this place.I have some reason that make me love this place. 

I have a great memories here with my friends. My junior high school friends usually come here and play with me. One time I fight with my friend. Our sign apologize is with play at this park. My friend love photography. So she usually take photo of me here. I really miss this moment.

The air feel so great here. There is no pollution here because this park huge and fill with trees. I love the air. make me feel refresh and comfortable. The air and view really make me relax. The green view make my eyes feel better after study all day at school.

Other reason make me love this park is the architect design. The park is designed by Ridwan Kamil, our major. The lamp is so cute. My favorite part are the balconies. The balcony so cute. I and my friend always take photo at the balcony. The facilities are good too. The water and the plants are good. This make the view fell more comfotable.

This park cover with wifi too hehe.. So this park really comfortable for everyone. In holiday, there is many old poeple come here to do excercise. There is a way for walking. Old poeple usually walk here. Every weekdays there is many students come and study or play here. 

This is all I can tell you. Im sorry I can't cover this text with some picture. Thank you for reading...
Wassalamu alaikum Wr Wb

I have some question about this text :

1.  The reason I love Taman Lansia, except :
a. I love the atmosphere
b. The park is cute
c. I design the park with my self
d. I love the design
e. I have a moment with my friend 

2. Why there is no pollution in the park based on the text?
a. There is no motorcycle around the park
b. The park is empty
c. There is no smoker around the park
d. There is a lot of tree
e. Because the park fill with old poeple

3. What do old poeple usually do in the park?
a. Have a trip
b. Fishing on a river in the park
c. Walking in the morning 
d. Do homework in weekdays
e. Feed some birds

4. Which statement is not true based on the text?
a. Taman Lansia is located in Bandung
b. There is three balconies at Taman Lansia
c. Lansia park cover with wifi
d. The facilities in Taman Lansia are good
e. The park is huge 

5. In holiday, there is many old poeple come here to do excercise.
Old poeple is meaning to..
a.  Our parents 
b. poeple who have been growing old
c. My grand mother
d. My friend's grandmother 
e. My father

Senin, 10 Oktober 2016

Story from me and my friends

1. Story from me : Bell The Cat 
Bell The cat 
There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop. Food was in plenty for them. They ate everything and spoiled all the bags. They also wasted the bread, biscuits and fruits of the shop.
The grocer got really worried. So, he thought "I should buy a cat and let it stay at the grocery. Only then I can save my things."
He bought a nice, big fat cat and let him stay there. The cat had a nice time hunting the mice and killing them. The mice could not move freely now. They were afraid that anytime the cat would eat them up.
The mice wanted to do something. They held a meeting and all of them tweeted "We must get rid of the cat. Can someone give a suggestion"?
All the mice sat and brooded. A smart looking mouse stood up and said, "The cat moves softly. That is the problem. If we can tie a bell around her neck, then things will be fine. We can know the movements of the cat". 
“Yes, that is answer," stated all the mice. An old mouse slowly stood up and asked, "Who would tie the bell?" After some moments there was no one there to answer this question.
Moral Value: Empty solutions are no worth
from :  http://www.english-for-students.com/Bell-The-Cat.html

2.  Story from Ghefira

Why the Bat flies at Night

By Traditional
Once upon a time, in the distant past, there was a great war between the animals who live in the sky and those that live on the ground. Nobody now remembers how the war started or what it was about, but it was a terrible time. Many animals on both sides were wounded or killed, and eventually somebody said that if they carried on like this, there would be no animals left on the earth. So some of the sky animals and some of the ground animals had a meeting, and as nobody could recall what they were fighting each other for, it was agreed that a truce should be called, and peace declared.
For the sky dwellers, the heron was appointed to make the announcements, and for the ground animals, the hare would do this job, as he was able to get around the area very quickly. This was done the next morning, but as all animals settled down, realising they could now live in peace and rebuild their lives, some body found the body of Mr Bat. He was the last victim of the war, and must have been killed late the previous day. All the flying animals were very upset, and the decided to organise a big burial for their friend. But as they were preparing his body for the funeral, one of the birds noticed that Mr Bat had teeth in his mouth.
How was that possible? Flying animals don’t have teeth. They called a meeting, and they agreed that Bat can’t be one of them, as no other bird has teeth in his mouth. So they took bat’s body to the ground animals, and told them that as Mr Bat was not a bird, it was their responsibility to give him a decent burial.

The ground animals agreed to accept the body, but then, as they were preparing for the burial, one of them shouted: “Wait a minute, this bat may have teeth, but he definitely also has wings! How can he be one of us if he has wings?”
So now the ground animals had a meeting to consider the problem, and they decided that no ground animal can have wings, so therefore, Mr Bat can’t be regarded as one of them. So they too, refused to bury Mr Bat.

Poor Mr Bat, the flying animals refused to accept him because he has teeth, and the ground animals refused to accept him because he has wings. And that is why the bat is still flying around every night.
Found among the papers of John Fumey, my deceased father in law, in Madina, Accra

Moral Value :  We must spread peace and accept everyone just the way they are
from : http://fairytalesoftheworld.com/quick-reads/why-the-bat-flies-at-night/

3. Story from Rindu 

Elephant and Friends

One day an elephant wandered into a forest in search of friends. He saw a monkey on a tree. “Will you be my friend?” asked the elephant. Replied the monkey, “You are too big. You can not swing from trees like me.” Next, the elephant met a rabbit. He asked him to be his friends. But the rabbit said, “You are too big to play in my burrow!” Then the elephant met a frog.
“Will you be my friend? He asked.
“How can I?” asked the frog.
“You are too big to leap about like me.”
The elephant was upset. He met a fox next.
“Will you be my friend?” he asked the fox.
The fox said, “Sorry, sir, you are too big.”
The next day, the elephant saw all the animals in the forest running for their lives. The elephant asked them what the matter was. The bear replied, “There is a tiger in the forest. He’s trying to gobble us all up!” The animals all ran away to hide. The elephant wondered what he could do to solve everyone in the forest. Meanwhile, the tiger kept eating up whoever he could find. The elephant walked up to the tiger and said, “Please, Mr. Tiger, do not eat up these poor animals.”
“Mind your own business!” growled the tiger.
The elephant has a no choice but to give the tiger a hefty kick. The frightened tiger ran for his life. The elephant ambled back into the forest to announce the good news to everyone. All the animals thanked the elephant. They said, “You are just the right size to be our friend.”

Moral Value : We should be brave to say our thought.
From :  http://www.sekolahbahasainggris.com/10-contoh-cerita-binatang-dalam-bahasa-inggris-dan-artinya-terbaru/

4. Story from Fadly 
Once upon a time, Gepetto, an old woodsman, living in the great Italian pine forest, was lonely. He always dreamed about having a son.
Each day, he went cutting woods for the town’s people. One day, an idea illuminated his mind, the idea of crafting a puppet, which he will call it Pinocchio. He crafted that puppet and during the night, the puppet becomes alive!
One year of happiness and thriller passed, on a Sunday morning, Gepetto told Pinocchio:
‘’It’s my birthday soon, my little son! I hope you didn’t forget it!’’
‘’Euh, sure, I didn’t!’’
Pinocchio felt awkward. He didn’t thought about that. Gepetto’s birthday was coming in only three days, and he hadn’t even a present.
After a long night of reflecting, Pinocchio finally decided to offer a homemade chocolate cake to him as a present.
When the sun rose, Pinocchio was already ready to go outside find the ingredients. The main problem was he didn’t even known the in and the recipe.
So after school, he decided to go ask someone for the ingredients to bake a cake. During his walk, Pinocchio, the wooden puppet, met the town’s sorcerer.
‘’Hey, little boy, do you need some help for your chocolate cake?’’
‘’Hum…You can help me?’’, asked Pinocchio.
‘’Sure, I can. Follow me!’’
After walking few minutes so, Pinocchio saw a big, big, big candy house. They entered together and Pinocchio got caught by a big cage.
‘’Mouahahaha!!! I finally caught you! You’ll be mine, you’re gonna work for me!’’, said the evil sorcerer.
Pinocchio was so scared. When the guards came and took him out of the cage, he immediately ran away very fast and he succeeded to escape.
At the same time, the evil sorcerer, calling all his troops with him, ran after him and he took out his magic wand. The evil devil changed the little wooden puppet into a chocolate cake!
When he came back home, he told the entire story to his father and they went to find the god fairy.
After a long trip, they finally find the god fairy and they got the magical potion for Pinocchio.

Moral Value : We must not lie.
From : http://www.belajaringgris.net/teks-cerita-pinokio-dalam-bahasa-inggris-1221.html

Senin, 03 Oktober 2016


Assalamualaikum wr. Wb.

Hello everyone! As we know, our city, Bandung, have a birthday celebration at September 25th 2016. Our school, SMAN 3 will make some competition about Bandung. This competition will show how much you love Bandung. The competition will be :
Place : New hall Senior High 3 Bandung
Time : 10.00 am - done 
Date : September 26th 2016 
Dress code : Kebaya or pangsi

For the competition is still a secret. Thank you for attention. See you tomorrow!
Wassalamualaikum wr.  Wb

If you want to see this video, click and acses this link:


Senin, 26 September 2016

My unforgetable moment

Assalamu Alaikum Wr Wb
My Unforgetable Moment 

I had an unforgetable moment. It happened when I was eleven years old. Actually this moment really embarrasing, but I had to tell you about this...
At that time, It was a holiday. It was a little cloudy at that time. My aunt and my cousins came to my house. They came from Jakarta. My mom and my aunt talked something in the living room. I, my sisters, and my cousins played together. We played happily at first, but in the end we a little bored. So we went outside house and found something interesting. We found my bike! So after that, we played bicycle and it was more fun!
My cousin, Farras, and my little sister rode the bike. They played calm and happily. My other cousin, Zarvan wanted to rode the bike too. So he tried it too. He played it fast! really fast.. At that time, I thinked about "If rode bike fast, it was cool".. So I wanted to play the bike with him! I sat on the back side and zarvan rode the bicycle.
He rode it so fast, really fast. At first I was excited, but after that I felt a little confuse and bad. He rode it faster and faster, made me felt worse. I said please, slow the bike! But he didn't notice me -_-. When he rode it at an crossroad and he turned right, I fell from the bike. I fell and it felt so fast. I dropped and rolled on the road. I couldn't wake up. It was too hurt. I was really shoked. That was the first time I fell from bike like that! Rolled! I think it was because the bike too fast, so I just rolled when I fell. I just sleep on the road. I couldn't move! Thank god there wasn't any car or motorcycle turn that way. 
I saw my sister from far away. She shoked too. She yelled to zarvan. Zarvan didn't notice anything when I fell. He just rode the bike.. but when he heard my sister, he was shoked too. They all ran fast to me. They helped me. They said "Are you ok?" I was fine actually, but there was a little blood from my knee and hand and it was a little bit hurts. Thank god that I fell with my hand, not my head. So it wasn't that bad, but the worst was I really shoked. I felt like it really bad, but actually not.
My cousins and my sisters was panic at first, but when I felt better, they laugh. They said that was so funny when they saw me fell. Hahah it was a little funny actually, but a little embarrasing too :( and a little hurts too :( ....Zarvan told me not to tell her mother about this. I understood, because her mother was an anger at that time. If I had told her mother, it would had been so scared. At the end, I just told my mother about this... but untill now, my aunt haven't known about this hehe. When they would came back to Jakarta, I was just smile and said goodbye to them.
From that moment, I changed my mind. I didn't want to be fast anymore, just be calm and slow was better right? Than we had an accidant like that! or even worse! I couldn't forget this moment, because this moment really unforgetable. If I told the story to you, you wouldn't excited because only me who felt this, and I really remembered the taste.
That all I can tell you, I'm so sorry if there some words, or something make you feel bad. Thank you for reading!

Wassalamu Alaikum Wr Wb 

Selasa, 20 September 2016


Assalamu alaikum wr wrb
Hellooo.. now I want to tell you about my fantastic experience... it was about MEGANTARA!! I was so happy... this experience really interesting for me..
In the morning, at 07.00 am I was late... I went to the school to meet the other.. but there was nobody at school. I asked the security man about the parade’s poeple. He said thaat the other were at Lapangan Bali. Waw I surprised. I came to school with kebaya clothes.. stupid me lol.. So i ran to the Lapangan Bali. In the way i met desta, he was late too. So we went together, and that was true, they all were in front of Lapangan Bali. Thank god i wasn’t late too long hehe...
The parade started. I saw so many children. They all took cute costume and they all sang so cutee....when the parade started, we walked around. It was so fun. On the way i and my friends, dwi, ian, and taskia took photo together.. We laugh and made some joke heehe... on the way, kang bintan said some persuade words.. He promoted Megantara to other poeple, but he made the words be funny.. lol. After parade, we arrived again at Lapangan Bali. We were so tired that time. There was an accident happen to izul. A milk flew into his face. The milk was so disgusting. Poor izul, but alhamdulillah, his home was near our school. So he could come back to his home.
The parade finished at 9, so we decided to wait till the megantara started. After changed our clothes, we decided to eat at Bazar. But the bazar was closed. So we change our destination to Takolada. But we thinked back, takolada wasn’t cheap. So we just ate bakso near jl Jawa. After that we waited a little bit long. When 12 o’clock we went to megantara together.
When we were inside, it was a little bit boring. At that time was so hot, but thank god there was a three saved us from sun. In front of the stage was empty because it was too hot. I and my friend didn’t buy food at that time because it was still too morning. Then we just watched the show on the stage for a long time. The show started fun when KPA3 played. After KPA3 there was the Cafe performance. After that Band 3 and MK 3 performed. It was fun hehe. I really loved the Cafe 2017, bacuse half of them took hijab and their voice was so beautifull.
After we a little bored, we went to gosht house. The ghost house look scary. They said the ghost came from student 12 senior high school. I went there with Afna, Nani, and Dwi. When we were in the line, we met Qori. Qori said that she wanted to go to the ghost house too, but she had no friend to go with. So we decided to open our group into three and two poeple. But, the poeple back us was just two, so Qori followed them to go to the ghost house. When I, Afna, Nani, and Dwi went inside, we were so afraid. I was in front of them ☹. Actually I wouldn’t afraid if I wasn’t in front of them.
We bought some food too. Actually I wanted to eat some new food for me, but the line was so long. So from Megantara, we just bought Pascho ( a drink) and siomay :(... When we took pray, It was so hard! The place really small, but alhamdulillah that I borrowed afna's mukena. If I didn't borrowed afna's mukena, I would be so long there.
I was at Megantara untill 10.00 pm!! It was really fantastic! I watched the changcuters and the ran too. They all were so amazing. The changcuters really atractive. We jumped so much!! It made us really tired. When ran performed, my friend, nani looked so ambitious haha.  When ran threw his towel, she was really ambotious haha..
Wohooo I was really tired and happy from Megantara. This experience was really amazing. I wouldn’t forget it! Especially, i went there with all my friend! Wee jumped all night when watched the changcuters! Oh i really missed that moment.
This all I can tell you. Im sorry if there is something make you feel bad. Thanks for reading!
Wassalamu alaikum wr wb

Minggu, 18 September 2016

World Tournament & Techno Fest 2016

World Tournament & Techno Fest 2016

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello! For this time, I wanted to tell you about my exciting experience. This experience was about World Tournament and Techno Fest (WTTF) event. The event happened at 20th August 2016. It was a great experience. My class did it as a team, made it more fun!
In the morning I was late. The event should start at 6.30, but I came there at 7 o'clock. I tought they would leave me. I was so afraid. But I met my friend, Nita and Salsa. I got calm, because I had late friends too hehe. But Salsa took wrong costume, so we decided to go to bathroom, accompanied Salsa to change the costume. when we arrived at lapangan bali, I saw everybody still there. Thank god, I was really afraid before...
The game was going to start. Senior told us about the rules. I couldn't hear senior about the rules, because I was in the back row and I did't understand because senior talked in english. I just heard a little, he said something about alien, planet, and map. I didn't get it. So when the game started, I asked my friends about the rules. We should talk English in this game. We had to colected points and puzzle as much as we can to be a winner. Our rival was the eleventh sains - eight for each game.
First game, our class played words game at the Jupiter. The Jupiter was located at lapangan bali, at the basketball part. Our class chose Amanda to play this game. In this planet, Amanda was given some cards. The cards was filled by words. Amanda should hear the quetions from senior, and Amanda should answer it with the cards. If Amanda correct and quick, our class would get points. I was just watching with worried. I forgot my class was win or not.
The next game located at tongkeng's park. It was so far away. We walked happily at first, but soon we got tired. I walked with Afna. We talked and laughed during the way. We talked about something funny, about boys, and many things. When we arrived, other group still played game there. So we waited a few minutes there. When the game started for our class, we made line as usually. In this planet, our class should make a robot with cardboard. We should make it fast because we were given only five minutes. When the game started, Shan Shan started make it too. He made it quick. I just watched and supported them. Not all of us worked that time, because it would be full of poeple if all of us worked. So, some of us just supported them hehe... Then, the robot finished. (i forget wich group win the game hehe)
The next game located at photo park. The photo park was cool, I liked the design! In this park, we played twister. From my class, MZ and Wildan played this game. I and my friend supported them. It was so crowded at that time. After twister game, we came back to school. we had a little lost there. When we arrived at school, we continued the game. The next game, we watched a movie. The movie was interesting. It was about a robot who wanted justice for his right. The next game, we played chain. There three smart person should answer the question from each class. After they answered one question, they took one person to be a chain. The chain might be long to reach the puzzle. In this game, my class was the winner.
The next game was like samyang challege. It might be two person to eat hot noodle. The winner might be the fastest. In this game my class sent Sylva and Rivan.The noodle looked like so hot. It added BonCabe half bottle!! In this game, our class not the winner. The next game played game on play station. there was three person wanted to play this game. It was so crowded at that time. We supported and it was so fun haha. In this game our class was the winner. The next game, we goes to the Musik Park, and play game (i forget the name). In this game five smart student from each class might answer some question. In other game, the winner must be the first person, but in this game the winner was the second person. So, in this game, the eleventh-eight the winner. The next game, we came back to the Lapangan Bali. When we arrived, we should go back to school again because that was breaking time. After break time, we came back again to the Lapangan Bali. In this game we played playstation again. This time I just sat relax with my other friends. we didn't know what happened with the player hehe.
Then the next game was in football's field. For this time, I wanted to join. The game was needed ten person to accompany. I and my friends join it. In this game we played flappybird. It was fun , but I didn't make good score hehe. The next game still at football's field, but before we do the next game, we catched the aliens. After the alien catched, we were given puzzle by them. Then, we played the next game. The next game needed eigth girl person and some boys. In this game, each player took bandana on their hand. everyone had to snatch bandana as much as they can. There was a queen too. The queen's bandana had bigger poins. I just watched this time. It looked terrible to see them :(... It was like I watching The Hunger Games because the looked wild to play this.
Then, we have done the games. All of us took a little break. After that, we had to catch aliens. There was so many aliens and water baloons. I really confused at that time hehe, but it was fun, I ran without balloon in my hand hehhe.... After that, our almamater compile the puzzles. It was so hard to work with all person of almamater, but in the end we have done the puzzle. 
The last thing was the announcement about the winner. There was one class winner from 2019, one class winner from 2018, and the almamater winner.  Before the announcement, the senior asked us two question about digimon. I couldn't answer because I didn't read it on timeline. Then the announcement started. We really surprised when senior said that the winner from class of 2019 was ten sience eight! OUR CLASS!! OMG we really surprised, we didn't expect it would be us!! wooohoo... as a winner, we were given pizza yeaayy... and it was so hard to cut the pizza for all of us...lol T_T
This WTTF event was so exciting. I liked it so much. As a new student here, I really proud that my school had a really creative things like this. This event was really inspirational and creative. It made all person of alma mater did a really good teamwork!
I think that all I can share with you..,  Thanks for reading, and I'm so sorry if there any word make you feel bad, than you!

Wassalamu Alaikum Wr Wb

don't forget to follow my instagram : raihanaaltof

Rabu, 27 Juli 2016


Assalamu alaikum wr. wb.
Hello, I want to introduce my self

My name is Raihana Altof. Now i am 14 years old. I was born in Bandung, on 4th february 2002. I have a lot of nickname, you can call me rei, rai, re, rehana, raihana, hana, altof, or altup maybe hehe. Now i am tenth grade at sman 3 bandung. I am so grateful because I can get this school.

I am the fifth child of six children. I have two brothers and three sisters. So I usually call my family as "Big Family" lol. My mom comes from lampung, and my dad comes from solo. So if you ask me where I come from, I will get confused.

I have so many things that I love. For now I love food, pet, and art. For food, the most I like is pizza. why? Because my family will eat pizza if one of our family member have a birthday. The most great tasty drink for me are taro and green tea. I usually like sour or sweet taste, but if I am stressed, I will eat sweet taste one. My favourite pet is cat. I have six cats, and I love them. Four of them have already born for 2-3 weeks ago. My hobby is drawing. I want to be an architect someday. I want build my town and country to be a better place. I want to be like Mr. Ridwan Kamil. He have built Bandung to be a really great place.

I am not a sport girl. I usually have bad score for sport subject. But I am not hate sport, I like badminton. I have bad score because I do excercise rarely. I am not a gamer too. I don't like game. I prefer to watch movie than play game. I like cartoon and korea's drama.

I think i have a really great story in my live. I want to make a novel about my live, but I think it's too hard for me. Sometimes, i have a really bad mood period. I have a really sensitive feeling at that time. Sometimes I have good mood too. At that time I can smile all day...lol :D. I want to be a nice person. I want to be helpful for the others. Beside of that, I want to be a humoris person too. I will be happy if I see poeple laugh. Sometimes I do something dumb too, and I make poeple laugh. Lol..

I think just this I can tell you about me, I'm sorry if there's any word make you feel bad. Thank you for reading...

Wassalamu alaikum wr. wb.

PAMAN GOBER and Final of Dewa Athena

Assalamualaikum wr wb Hello guys! I come back with a lot of story. I like to share this experience with you! On April 8th, 2017, my sch...