Minggu, 18 September 2016

World Tournament & Techno Fest 2016

World Tournament & Techno Fest 2016

Assalamu Alaikum Wr. Wb.
Hello! For this time, I wanted to tell you about my exciting experience. This experience was about World Tournament and Techno Fest (WTTF) event. The event happened at 20th August 2016. It was a great experience. My class did it as a team, made it more fun!
In the morning I was late. The event should start at 6.30, but I came there at 7 o'clock. I tought they would leave me. I was so afraid. But I met my friend, Nita and Salsa. I got calm, because I had late friends too hehe. But Salsa took wrong costume, so we decided to go to bathroom, accompanied Salsa to change the costume. when we arrived at lapangan bali, I saw everybody still there. Thank god, I was really afraid before...
The game was going to start. Senior told us about the rules. I couldn't hear senior about the rules, because I was in the back row and I did't understand because senior talked in english. I just heard a little, he said something about alien, planet, and map. I didn't get it. So when the game started, I asked my friends about the rules. We should talk English in this game. We had to colected points and puzzle as much as we can to be a winner. Our rival was the eleventh sains - eight for each game.
First game, our class played words game at the Jupiter. The Jupiter was located at lapangan bali, at the basketball part. Our class chose Amanda to play this game. In this planet, Amanda was given some cards. The cards was filled by words. Amanda should hear the quetions from senior, and Amanda should answer it with the cards. If Amanda correct and quick, our class would get points. I was just watching with worried. I forgot my class was win or not.
The next game located at tongkeng's park. It was so far away. We walked happily at first, but soon we got tired. I walked with Afna. We talked and laughed during the way. We talked about something funny, about boys, and many things. When we arrived, other group still played game there. So we waited a few minutes there. When the game started for our class, we made line as usually. In this planet, our class should make a robot with cardboard. We should make it fast because we were given only five minutes. When the game started, Shan Shan started make it too. He made it quick. I just watched and supported them. Not all of us worked that time, because it would be full of poeple if all of us worked. So, some of us just supported them hehe... Then, the robot finished. (i forget wich group win the game hehe)
The next game located at photo park. The photo park was cool, I liked the design! In this park, we played twister. From my class, MZ and Wildan played this game. I and my friend supported them. It was so crowded at that time. After twister game, we came back to school. we had a little lost there. When we arrived at school, we continued the game. The next game, we watched a movie. The movie was interesting. It was about a robot who wanted justice for his right. The next game, we played chain. There three smart person should answer the question from each class. After they answered one question, they took one person to be a chain. The chain might be long to reach the puzzle. In this game, my class was the winner.
The next game was like samyang challege. It might be two person to eat hot noodle. The winner might be the fastest. In this game my class sent Sylva and Rivan.The noodle looked like so hot. It added BonCabe half bottle!! In this game, our class not the winner. The next game played game on play station. there was three person wanted to play this game. It was so crowded at that time. We supported and it was so fun haha. In this game our class was the winner. The next game, we goes to the Musik Park, and play game (i forget the name). In this game five smart student from each class might answer some question. In other game, the winner must be the first person, but in this game the winner was the second person. So, in this game, the eleventh-eight the winner. The next game, we came back to the Lapangan Bali. When we arrived, we should go back to school again because that was breaking time. After break time, we came back again to the Lapangan Bali. In this game we played playstation again. This time I just sat relax with my other friends. we didn't know what happened with the player hehe.
Then the next game was in football's field. For this time, I wanted to join. The game was needed ten person to accompany. I and my friends join it. In this game we played flappybird. It was fun , but I didn't make good score hehe. The next game still at football's field, but before we do the next game, we catched the aliens. After the alien catched, we were given puzzle by them. Then, we played the next game. The next game needed eigth girl person and some boys. In this game, each player took bandana on their hand. everyone had to snatch bandana as much as they can. There was a queen too. The queen's bandana had bigger poins. I just watched this time. It looked terrible to see them :(... It was like I watching The Hunger Games because the looked wild to play this.
Then, we have done the games. All of us took a little break. After that, we had to catch aliens. There was so many aliens and water baloons. I really confused at that time hehe, but it was fun, I ran without balloon in my hand hehhe.... After that, our almamater compile the puzzles. It was so hard to work with all person of almamater, but in the end we have done the puzzle. 
The last thing was the announcement about the winner. There was one class winner from 2019, one class winner from 2018, and the almamater winner.  Before the announcement, the senior asked us two question about digimon. I couldn't answer because I didn't read it on timeline. Then the announcement started. We really surprised when senior said that the winner from class of 2019 was ten sience eight! OUR CLASS!! OMG we really surprised, we didn't expect it would be us!! wooohoo... as a winner, we were given pizza yeaayy... and it was so hard to cut the pizza for all of us...lol T_T
This WTTF event was so exciting. I liked it so much. As a new student here, I really proud that my school had a really creative things like this. This event was really inspirational and creative. It made all person of alma mater did a really good teamwork!
I think that all I can share with you..,  Thanks for reading, and I'm so sorry if there any word make you feel bad, than you!

Wassalamu Alaikum Wr Wb

don't forget to follow my instagram : raihanaaltof

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